Friday, November 19, 2010

Poetry and Punch

My college art department releases an annual publication called the TYGR, which contains random art, photography, poetry, and essays. I have decided to enter two poems for consideration by the editing staff... they may make it into the final publishing, they may not. Either way, I have already published these pieces on Facebook, so I will share them here as well.

The first of these is entitled "Passage".

passage |ˈpasij|
– the act or process of moving through, under, over, or past something on the way from one place to another.
– the act or process of moving forward.


This is my time...

A time to shed the past... a time to cast away.
A time to reach inside and pull out all that weighs me down.
A time to find myself and look forward to each new day.
A time to move on, away from this, my demon town.

This is your time...

A time to become what you know you want to be; the past to sever.
A time to let go of the lies you've been told that you hold inside.
A time to color outside the lines when they've held you in forever.
A time to disregard the voices screaming at you from all sides.

This is our time...

A time that we shall live through in a bond that shall always last.
A time to love, to cherish, and hold dear.
A time where faith and hope are what drive us forward from the past.
A time to disregard all worry, dread and fear.

So help us, God...

A time to write the greatest history we can.
A time to shine when all the world is dim.
A time when we hold our fragile future in our hands.
A time to dive in headfirst, sink or swim.

A time of passage...

The second is entitled "The Fairy Tale". This is a poem written mainly for my sisters in Christ, though my fellow men may also gain insight from it. If you are a girl who is reading this, be encouraged to cherish the gifts of virtue and beauty that God has given you. If you are a man who is reading this, I charge you humbly to honor and respect our sisters in Christ. I pray that this piece blesses those who read it as much as it has blessed me to write it. Enjoy! ^ ^

The Fairy Tale

A story, a fairy tale, stars in her eyes
She dreams that it will become real.
Though never quite knowing what he may look like
Or what he might try to conceal.

Her dear father absent throughout her young life
She never could much understand
What she must look for if she could be a wife
To a worthy and meaningful man.

Not knowing the journey, she stumbles along
The mysterious paths, all untold
Convinced she can sing her life’s most precious song
If only her man she can hold.

Alas; he comes riding; a handsome young knight
Seeing him, sudd’nly she runs
His voice tells of fairy tales, to her delight
She knows she has just found the one.

He swoops down and catches her; captures her heart
He the hawk, she willing prey
A beautiful fairy tale, never apart
As he whispers her qualms all away.

Her fantasy blinds her, and true it becomes
She follows wherever he leads
He whispers… such weakness… she sings him her song
And as soon as he has it, he flees.

The fairy tale! oh, what has happened, she cries!
The blissful is now the betrayed
He took all she was, and then cast her aside
Destroying her, slithering away.

Screaming in sorrow, her heaven turns hell
The knight, laughing, now steps aside
And much to her horror, another dame kneels
And again, he deceives her with lies.

“Such evil, that monster; that hideous beast!”
She ponders and cannot believe
This beautiful man who said all those nice things
Could possibly have tried to deceive?

Though once a fair dream, she believes now in lies
Her fantasies have to come true!
These fairy tale princes may come in disguise...
Perhaps frogs will just have to do.

When other knights come to her, taking her hands
“Though others cared not, I love you”
Still hopeful, she falls to their soothing demands
And again is thrown out by the fool.

So onward she stumbles, this sorrowful girl
Weighed down by her shame and regrets
For though if one taught her, she could have the world
Instead, she accepts all the shreds.

My sisters, be cautious, for her you could be.
Above all else, please do not fail
To cherish the song God has giv’n you to sing
For He’s Author of your fairy tale.

That's all for now... hope those pieces blessed you. Next blog: be ready for a rundown on one of my new favorite party games! (and it's not risqué, for those of you who got their hopes up for something else...) =P

- Knolster

1 comment:

jAyBaYbAy said...

Andy, I have told you before and I will tell you again... You are an amazing writer and I love when you share your poetry!! :) Can't wait to hear about your favorite party games! :)