Saturday, October 23, 2010

Rain, rants, and perseverance

It is raining quite refreshingly outside at the moment; there is nothing quite like a nice, steady, drenching, cleansing rain. And I really don't want to leave the comfort of my bed at the moment to support my 0-7 winless college football team (who I could honestly care less about) or the beloved school marching band playing dutifully (who I honestly love very much)... so I think I will be a horrid fan and stay here. However, I will be going to the junior class party after the game at 3pm... who wouldn't pass up free Subway sandwiches and drinks in the name of a horrid football team? Booyah, devoted fans. =]

I attended the Orpheus Variety Show last night, which, for those of you who have no idea what that could be, is a variety show performed by a choir here at my college. The highlights of the show included a parody of "The View", a scandalous song by one of the male singers ("Noooooobody knooooows what's under my robe..." *points bare foot and smiles scandalously, cut to darkness*), an appearance by our beloved school president, and much more. The highlight of the show by far was when adjunct theology professor Howie Van Dyke dressed as a woman when appearing on "The View" parody and pompously stated, dressed as a woman, that the only thing my school does with the obscene amount of funds it receives goes to "SHRUBBERY!" (If you have never been in one of his classes, you wouldn't understand...) All in all, the show was funny and entertaining, but not as funny as in recent years, when I literally was almost peeing my pants in laughter. However, I was in good company, and I thoroughly enjoyed myself.

Last night entailed a curious episode in my apartment... I needed to restart my laptop, but iTunes wouldn't close due to the fact that there was a user listening to my library somewhere here on campus... I was torn for a moment in time: should I leave iTunes open, and leave my desperately-needing-to-be-restarted laptop running for that blessed soul out there enjoying one of my 25,000 songs? Or should I ruthlessly cut their connection to my music to selfishly restart my laptop? Being the heartless "it's not your music, so suck it" type, I chose to restart... the poor soul out there can always look me up later. (I felt a fleeting twinge of sympathy, but being shown no sympathy in my life, I quickly got over it and enjoyed this very small feeling of power for once in my existence.)

Also occurring last night in my sleep... I was awakened to the sound of crashing glass. I keep a plethora of various glass items on the windowsill right next to my bed, and apparently, the wind didn't want the glass items there anymore.. ANY of them. The blinds for the window blew into the glass items, pushing them all off the windowsill and sending them all crashing down (right next to my HEAD, mind you)... The only broken item of them all was a glass gobelet, but it was cheap. So I am not too bummed out over the loss... note to self: do not put glass or fragile items on a windowsill.

One of my latest pet peeves involves texting. I love texting. Sad thing is, I have only sent one text message in my entire life, on another person's phone (reason being, my parents pay for my cell phone, and they refuse to add texting to our plan. I am in the process of attempting to convince them that it would be useful to me, but they insist that it is unnecessary...) I use my iPod to send text messages over wifi, but it's not as "legit" as sending a text from a cell phone (lol). But! Back to my original thought... one of my latest pet peeves involves texting. It drives me NUTS when I'm sitting with a group of friends and half of them have their phones out the whole time either texting away on them or simply watching over them like a hawk, waiting for that all-too-familiar "bzzzzzzt! bzzzzzzt!" after which they will snatch their ever-demanding phone up, disregarding anyone who happens to be talking at the moment to read the text and peer at the screen blankly for a good ten seconds, suddenly respond to it with thumbs flying furiously, and flip it closed almost without stopping typing, only to replace the phone at the center of their attention where they can continue to watch for another text like a hawk. Pardon me for offending, but L-A-M-E!!! Who is more important, the group of friends and this moment we are sharing, or the virtual conversation you are having with someone who probably won't mind waiting five short minutes to get a response? If you say the virtual conversation, I am appalled. If I am with a group of people and we are having some good quality time together, why does texting have to interrupt that? You can have your five other text conversations later. Seriously. Don't kill MY good time with yours. And if you "have to respond to this text", it's probably a conversation you should be having when you can fully devote your time to that conversation. You may be thinking "That's just his opinion, and he's probably just mad because he doesn't have texting." Yes, it's my opinion. But it's true. And I am not just throwing a fit because I can't text... my issue is that my FRIENDS care more about their text than about the real-life conversations we are having together. Don't be so social that you can't be social in person.

Rant finished. I feel better now. =]

This little clip from Family Guy made me laugh at just how stupid people can be with texting...

Someone stole my USB card reader recently, which had an 8GB SD memory card in it that contained three photo shoots. As a photography major, I am not too happy about that; but I am learning to trust God, persevere, and realize that even in the struggles, He is there to guide me through. Just a reminder, no matter what your situation is in life, He will get you through it.

Sitting here in bed listening to the rain outside my window and the Cardigans. Time to shower and not be lazy.

- Knolster

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